How to optimize the design and implementation of fiber optic networks

The communications industry is experiencing unprecedented technological evolution, fierce competition and demands for service reliability, especially in Europe, and fiber optic networks are expanding exponentially.

While digital solutions can help support better and more centralized design and implementation processes, there is often a lack of real-time information and necessary integrations and connectivity. Many providers find that conventional GIS tools lack the detail and ability to model the relationships needed to integrate with operational systems and coordinate a network’s logical and physical elements.

In our newest e-book, learn about fiber networks, the rise of 5G networks and fiber optics for IoT and smart grids. Find out more about the need for fiber network design and management and a new way to optimize and grow fiber networks. Lastly, get details on how Hexagon’s advanced telecommunications GIS solution can help by optimizing resources, delivering better ROI, improving processes and reducing financial risks.

Get the e-book.

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