Support Corner: CAD End-user Q&A

Excellent customer service is key at Intergraph. In this month’s installation of Support Corner, we’re focusing on Intergraph’s Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) software and answering questions some of our CAD users might not have considered. Our support team put together a list of questions and answers they feel you should know. We’ll touch on some of those technical questions that come up and even recommend some training.

So let’s get to it!

Question & Answer:

Q: What are the typical duties of a CAD System Administrator

A: The basic responsibilities of a system administrator are:

  • Installing and configuring public safety software on the ICalltaker and IDispatcher workstations as well as thefile server.
  • Maintaining the database, which can include monitoring user processes, backups, disk usage, and database performance.
  • Monitoring, logging and initial triage of any problems with the database server, workstations, and public safety software applications, as well as working with the appropriate support personnel to resolve the issue.
  • Backing up and restoring the database and the system.
  • Performing system upgrades.

Recommended Training for System Administrators

Intergraph recommends that the system administrator have database administrator training for Oracle or Microsoft® SQL Server and system administration training for the latest version of Microsoft Windows®. The size and complexity of the Public Safety software, plus the site-specific duties, will determine the training required for the system administrator.

Q:Can you use CAD to recommend a unit based on equipment (jaws of life, riot gear, special weapons, etc)?

A: Yes, this is possible.  The response plan requirement can be defined to use a particular equipment type.

Q: CAD 9.3.0 – In CDCMDKEY, there is a command for Activate Map (ACTMAP.)  What is this supposed to do?

A: This command is obsolete. It was used in conjunction with old commands lines used to establish a fence on the map by passing in the coordinates of the four corners of the fence.  Since the ability to draw fences was introduced this command is no longer used.

Q: Will Intergraph support Microsoft Windows Server 2012R2 as long as we go with the Oracle 12C 1.0.2?

A: We already support Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2.  The I/CAD 9.3 Supported Environments document has a caveat about Oraclenot yet supporting Windows Server 2012.  Now that Oracle supports it, you’ll be able to use Windows Server 2012 R2.

Q: We would like to switch from SQL Server Mirroring on 2008R2 to Always On SQL Server 2012 for our CAD 9.2 MR3 Environment. Is it a supported configuration?

A: SQL Server 2012 is not supported on CAD 9.2.  Intergraph started supporting SQL Server 2012 and Always On Availability Groups with I/CAD version9.3.

Q: What browsers are supported with NetViewer 9.2?

A:  I/NetViewer and I/NetDispatcher were tested using Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari for iPad.  We consider Google Chrome and Safari as viable browsers, but they were not officially tested or certified.

Q: Can we run the latest version of ProQA Paramount with CAD 9.1.1 SP11?

A: Paramount should work fine with 9.1.1 SP11.  It was not specifically tested with that version of CAD, but you should be okay.

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